
Demonstration of Wireless Underwater Acoustic Video Communication Channel – AUV-based, Malta, 21, May, 2015

21. May. 2015 - Demonstration of Wireless Underwater Acoustic Video Communication Channel – AUV-based, Malta

“BaltRobotics Sp.z.o.o.” has informed that on 21,May,2015, as it was announced before, the Demonstration of Wireless Underwater Acoustic Video Communication Channel – AUV-based – had been done.

Such kind of the solution had been demonstrated the first time in the world. It opens the new technical phase of undersea exploration and development.

The equipment of wireless underwater video channel had been constructed in AUV “X-3A” by BaltRobotics and in the Vessel.

Place: Malta, Sliema, St. Julian’s Bay (Sliema)
Time: 08-09 p.m.
Absolute Coordinates: Lat: N 35˚55`93`` Lon: E 14˚29`90``
Weather conditions: wind speed – 15 m/sec; waves – less 1 m.

In the Demonstration “on-line” wireless video transmission had been shown with the real marine conditions. It was also demonstrated the possibility to use the Wireless Video Channel for the purposes of “on-line” remote control of AUV by the operator.

The Channel Parameters:

distance – less 200 m;
data rate – 115,2 kbits/sec;
Video Standard (input) – SD Color Video;
Frame – 640 x 480;
Frame Rate – 30 frames/sec;
the delay for the data processing – 0,2 sec.

It also had been demonstrated and discussed that the standard approaches of data compressing of H-264 and JPEG with the same capacity of the channel (115 kbits/sec) have very large delays for data processing that does not permit to use them for “on-line” wireless remote control of AUV.

It was shown that the development of Wireless Underwater Acoustic Video Channel can had been made only with the proprietary and the unique at the moment data compression algorithm “PVN” developed by BaltRobotics. In the Agenda also was the automatic route tracking of AUV in the mode of Dynamic Positioning (DP) along the routes had been assigned by operator.

This mode had been shown with the bottom current about 1 m/sec. The Demonstration had been attended by the representatives of the companies of the manufacturing industry, offshore service delivery companies, investors and mass media representatives according to the invitation of BaltRobotics.

As BaltRobotics announced AUV “X-3A” with Wireless Video Channel had been developed for the surveys/inspections of underwater pipelines. BaltRobotics had developed with this the AUV-based approach for CP-inspections of undersea pipelines in fully automatic mode. It can substantially optimize CAPEX/OPEX of maintenance offshore activities.

BaltRobotics express great gratitude to the colleagues and press representatives that took part in the Demonstration. The nearest future we will publish the press-releases and articles. BaltRobotics will take part in the conferences and exhibitions with the solution and facilities represented in the Demonstration.

Sergii Kornieiev, BaltRobotics Sp.z.o.o., President

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