Exhibition "CORROSION-2014", San Antonio, TX, USA, 9-14, Mar, 2014
Exhibition "CORROSION-2014"
09-13, Mar,2014 - The company “BaltRobotics Sp.z.o.o.” of “Gdansk Science & Technology Park”, Poland (http://www.gpnt.pl ) took part in Exhibition “CORROSION-2014”, March, 9-13,2014, San Antonio, Texas, USA – the most exhibition in the world on the theme.
In the Exhibition BaltRobotics Sp.z.o.o. had represented the System for Cathodic Protection Inspection: CP-UAIT – Cathodic Protection Underwater Automatic Inspection Technology. The core facilities of the Technology had been designed and manufactured by the Comapany.
These are: AUV X-3A (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) and Carrier Vessel “MAEKSA”. BaltRobotics Sp.z.o.o. is intended to deliver the services of inspections for Offshore Operators to meet the integration and reliability industry requirements. Exhibition “CORROSION-2014”: 380+ Exhibitors on the 225,000 sq.ft.